BearcatCTF 2025

Welcome to Cyber@UC’s BearcatCTF 2025! This is Cyber@UC’s second year running the BearcatCTF competition. Last year’s competition saw over 400 participants across the globe spread across 246 teams. The competitors solved a combined 905 problems! Top-ranked in-person students brought home $1,700 in prizes. For more information check out the BearcatCTF 2024 Summary Packet!

This event is welcoming students across Ohio, Northern Kentucky, and Southern Indiana. Competing at the tri-state level provides the opportunity to work with and against some of the brightest student minds in the area. Registration is free and will open closer to the date. If you are interested in sponsoring this event check out our sponsorhip packages below or reach out to

More Information Coming Soon!

Sponsorship Packages

An event like this is impossible without sponsors. Below are sponsorship packages for both BearcatCTF and the Cyber@UC student organization. If interested, please email

Bearcat CTF Logo Bronze: $500 Silver: $1250 Gold: $2250 Platinum: $5000
Branding - Feature your logo on event shirts and website x x x x
Career Link - Link to your company's career page or email x x x x
Career Fair - Dedicated booth space to talk to participants about career opportunities x x x
Keynote Feature - 5 minutes at the beginning of the keynote to talk x x x
Sponsor Challenge - Bring your own challenge to the CTF! x x x
Host Session or Workshop - Talk with students about educational topic related to your field of work x x
Keynote - Invitation to talk during keynote speech at event kickoff x
Byte Club Tier x
Cyber@UC Logo Bit: $1750 Byte: $2750
CTF Silver Tier x x
Branding - Feature your logo on our club shirts and website x x
Resume Book - Access to our active general body's resumes x x
Meeting Takeover - Come talk to our general body about what you and your company does on a day to day basis. x x
Capstone Connections - Connect with senior students working on their final project for their undergrad degree. x x
CTF Gold Tier x
Industry Dinner - Have a catered dinner (or other event) with our general body and members of campus x

Note: All organizational sponsor packages last one-year from time of donation.